If you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good, this is a grace before God. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his footsteps.
- 1 Peter 2:20-21
It's not easy to suffer in silence, especially if we think we don't deserve it. Our natural reaction is to complain, to try and get everyone on our side to support our position. If we're trying to do the right thing, and end up suffering for it instead, we might feel that it is a waste of time. Why bother standing up for Christ if He isn't standing up for us?
But of course we forget, that is exactly what Christ went through. He stood up for the truth of His message, even when all His friends and supporters abandoned Him. He suffered terrible ridicule, torture and death, even when it seemed as if His own Father wasn't supporting Him. He knew that what He was doing was right and necessary, and He suffered everything in silence and dignity.
We are called to do the same, and when we do, we receive God's grace. You might lend a friend some money, and he doesn't pay you back. You might offer to watch your friend's children, but she doesn't show up. Don't complain, and you will receive grace. It might be something bigger. Maybe you took in a homeless person for Thanksgiving dinner, and they stole something from your house. Don't think that you shouldn't have bothered trying to do good. God sees everything you do, and is always with you. Don't complain, and don't lash out angrily at Him. It's okay to ask your friends to pray for you as you deal with the situation, but keep the details and the resentment to yourself.
St Paul said that God will never give you more suffering than you can handle. And Jesus Himself said that God, who sees what you do in secret, will reward you. His grace is your reward for accepting the situation and suffering with a patient heart.