Thursday, March 24, 2011

You, Me and Them

But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
- Romans 5:8
We all know that Jesus died for our sins. He died for my sins, He died for your sins. But what about everyone else? How far did it go? What about a dishonest store owner? What about a thief or a kidnapper? How about a child molester or a murderer? Saddam Hussein? Hitler?

Yes. Jesus died for all these people. He died to save all sinners. There is no sliding scale for sin in His eyes. All sin offends God. And all sin is wiped out by The Cross. More than that - all sins are forgiven by God. He loves us so much that He will not allow any barrier to stand between us and Him. From the silliest slip, to the worst crime you can think of, all is forgiven by God if we repent.

Earlier in this same chapter, Paul talks about how it is not so hard to die for someone you love. But to die for someone who has hurt you? Or someone who has hurt hundreds of thousands of people? We probably couldn't do it. But Jesus did. Because He loves all of God's creations, and wanted to bring us all back to Him. His death and resurrection took our sin, buried it, and created a bridge back to the Father. To find that bridge, all we have to do, all any sinner has to do, is repent. Ask for God's forgiveness, and He will show you the way home.

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